Jessicca’s Other World
David Waugh

Jessica's Other World Cover POD.indd When Jessica Chambers discovers a trapdoor under her bed in the small terraced house where she lives with her mum and sisters, she finds herself in a quite different and much larger house. She attends a different school, and now seems to be called Jessica Scott. Her mother has changed too and her sisters have gone. Jessica begins to live two different lives in two very different worlds.
Published:14th March 2016
Paperback:210 pages

Available from YouCaxton

£7.50(+ £2 postage)

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The book will appeal to both boys and girls and includes a range of topics which may interest readers.

Dr David Waugh is Senior Teaching Fellow at Durham University and an expert in Primary English. He has written 27 books on the subject and was an adviser for the National Strategies form 2008-2010. Until 2008, he was Head of Education at University of Hull. He has taught in four schools and was a deputy headteacher before working in higher education.