The Spirit of Ganesh
Slum kids of Calcutta

9781911175575 Many children have a very hard life in India. They sort through rubbish heaps, work in factories and beg on the streets. This is a story, the first of three, that tells of the lives of Rupa and her little sister Amrita. It tells of the hardships they endure, the adventures they have and the many people they meet. Lonely rich girl Aisha lives in the big house. Rupa and Aisha become friends and defeat the horrible Mr. Biswas. Danva, the dog, saves Amrita and becomes her best friend. Shanti and Hamid appear at the end of the book ready to continue the ‘Slum Kids’ story in Book 2. The ‘Spirit of Ganesh’ is a mixture of fun, drama, sadness and love, all watched over by the benevolent smile of the Elephant God.
Published:May 2017
Paperback:110 pages

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By the same Author
9781912419043 9781912419128
After teaching small children, for many years, I retired and now have six grandchildren and two step-great grandchildren. My early retirement was spent backpacking around India. On returning to England I had many photos but no intention of writing a children’s story. However, Shanti, who we met at a bus station, kept emerging in my memories of the street children in India. Because of this, I became obsessed with the thought that I had to write a story about four of the children, who lived and smiled in the face of horrendous misfortune. The spirit of Garnesh is the first of a trilogy. The other two being A Dance for Rupa and Shanti. I wanted a child with a physical handicap to be central to a story. Shanti and his special friend Ashiq are real children and as such were a special inspiration to me.
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