A Snazzy Tale – The Creative Journey of Face Painting for Children
Lauren Staton

Face painting is a wonderful creative activity which has bought a lot of joy to children, delighted parents, and raised millions of funds for charities all over the world.
This activity became popular in a very short space of time.
This is the fascinating tale of the journey that lead to the creation of the first strong brand of children’s face paints, starting from a small kiosk at a holiday centre in 1985 and eventually reaching a global market.
Lauren and Paul Staton were responsible for bringing face-painting products onto the high street and teaching thousands of people about face painting as an entertainment for children.
The true journey started years before however.
This is an inspirational story of success that grew from passion and from the personal tragedy that fuelled Lauren and Paul's determination.
It will teach you that if you have faith in what you want to achieve, you can truly make magic and make-believe happen.
Published: Sept 2018
Hardback: 184 pages
Price: £9.99
ISBN: 9-781912-419463

£9.99 (+ £2 postage)
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