A True story of Survival and Recovery
John Evans

Heart of a Cyclist
John Evans

The events or, to be precise, the event that took place on the 9th June 2013 changed my whole life without question, changed it physically, psychologically, and emotionally in every way. I would never be the same again!
This is the story of a journey back from the brink, a journey that I feel I was destined to take. I have tried to tell what I saw, and felt along the way, from the darkest of my days, staring death in the face, unsure of survival, to setting almost impossible goals; from talking to God and to my own inner demons; from the intensive coronary care unit to the high mountains of the French Alps.
It was a hell of a ride and the toughest of my life. It truly was a mountain to climb in every sense of the word.
“If only one person reads my story and takes inspiration from it, then my journey was not a wasted one.”
Published: July 2019
Paperback: 186 pages
Price: £8.50
ISBN: 9781912419869

£8.50 (+ £2.50 postage)
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