
Screenwriting is a substantially different discipline to writing books.
The process of evaluation by agents and commissioning producers is also very different.
The end product is not a printed book but rather a document suitable for presentation and
there are several well-defined stages to go through in order to get your script into production.

Film production companies rarely accept unsolicited manuscripts.
We work with you to ensure that you follow the correct formal procedures including the preparation and formatting of your presentation.
This will give your screenplay its best chance of a successful outcome.

1. Support and Advice

In the film and television industry, most scripts are never read beyond the first ten pages;
that’s how long you get to prove you’re worth the read. And you only get one shot at this.
That’s why we provide the appropriate advice and editorial support so that your presentation is up to a professional standard,
including the essential one-page 'killer' synopsis that will accompany your script wherever it goes.

2. Script Editing

We work with you to improve your screenplay until it is ready for presentation.
Even the very best scripts still need work. Could your script be tighter, sharper, more focused?
Could the characters be a little richer and more fully realised?
With just a few tweaks, could the budget be halved, and thereby the chances of it being made quadrupled?
Is the script formatted to industry standard and in a universally readable file format?

3. Getting It Out There and Getting It Read

We offer advice on how best to get your script taken seriously.
Most film production companies do not accept unsolicited manuscripts under any circumstances.
However, there are other ways of getting your script into the right hands.
Although we cannot act as your agent, we can advise as to how this is best done.

4. Costs

All of the costs are explained and agreed in advance so there are no surprises.
1. Initial appraisal and professional critique: £300
2. Formatting the presentation: £150
3. Full script edit: £400 ...
4. Subsequent script edit: £150 ...
5. Comprehensive one-on-one workshop with an experienced screenwriter: £500

Publishing Support for Writers and Artists