Girls Can’t Play Football
David Waugh

9781909644861 Lauren longed to play football. She was sure she would be good at it. She had watched endless videos of matches, especially of her hero, Lionel Messi, and she spent hours practising her ball skills in her tiny back yard and in the passageway behind her house, and on the wasteland next to an old, disused factory near her house.
She had often watched the boys from a distance and she was certain that she was more skilful than most of them. The trouble was, she had never played in a game. She could dribble in and out of the obstacle courses she set up for herself using plastic bottles and drinks cans, and she could trap and volley the ball as she bounced it off the brick wall of the old factory. What she did not know was if she could use her skills when other people were trying to take the ball from her. But before she could find out, she had to persuade the boys to let her play!
Published:1st Oct 2015
Paperback:118 pages

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The book should appeal to both boys and girls and includes a range of topics which may interest readers, including wildlife, football, the effects of being a celebrity, and attempts to communicate in French.

Dr David Waugh is Senior Teaching Fellow at Durham University and an expert in Primary English. He has written 27 books on the subject and was an adviser for the National Strategies form 2008-2010. Until 2008, he was Head of Education at University of Hull. He has taught in four schools and was a deputy headteacher before working in higher education.