Funny Quotes about Marriage
Aubrey Malone

For brides-to-be, bridesmaids, brides
and ex-brides, this book is for you.

Marriage begins when you sink in his arms and ends with your arms in his sink.
It begins with a knight in shining armour kissing a princess and ends with a bald fat man sitting across the table from a dishwasher.
Put another way, marriage has three rings attached to it: engagement ring, wedding ring, suffering.
If you’re thinking of going up the aisle anytime soon, this rib-tickling collection of quotes will make you think again. From the dangers of pre-nups to the horrors of stag (and hen) parties to the dating scene to the perils of s-e-x to the Big Day itself, this is a must-have book for the marriage-shy among you to have by your side.
Just to remind you that it’s not all happyeveraftering when Mr Right – or Mr Always in the Right – slips the wedding band around the fourth finger of your left hand and swears undying troth.

Published:1st April 2017
Paperback:138 pages

Available from Amazon
and Kindle e-books

Sample, these bite-sized chunks of wit and wisdom from the Walking Wounded, those turbulent souls who’ve ventured through the tunnel of love and lived to tell the tale. You may never want to meet a member of the opposite gender afterwards but at least you’ll have fun getting put off the hairy so-and-soes - or not.

Aubrey Malone has written a number of humour books - despite being married.
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