Letters on the Nature of Love
Janet Braithwaite

Letters on the Nature of Love
Janet Braithwaite was born in Staffordshire in May 1939 and has spent most of her life in the Midlands. Her life-long interest in languages, culture and psychology and love of music, dance, art, travel and mountaineering led somewhat haphazardly to a B.A. in classics, her first job working for three and a half years in rural development in north west Greece and a subsequent working life divided between psychological development work with troubled adolescents and freelance teaching English to adult foreign students. In her thirties she trained and worked as an artist printmaker. Her prints, deeply influenced by her memories of the Greek landscape and her love of modern Greek poetry, have been exhibited in galleries in London including the Royal Academy’s Summer Show, and the Midlands. She has mountaineered in the Austrian Alps and the Pyrenees and journeyed extensively on foot through the mountains of Greece, and has taught English in Athens and Paris for a year each. The same themes which inspired her working life inform the subject matter of her book and design for its cover.
Published:May 2022
Paperback:162 pages
Size:210 x 297mm

£9.99 (+ £3.50 postage)
Number of copies:

Her first published work, it is a collection of recent drawings and poems written mainly since 1990 on the threshold of the second half of life. It is a celebration of love in all its permutations and of the joys of chance meetings with strangers and foreigners with all the enriching opportunities they bring for expanding horizons, experiencing different cultures and engaging with “the other”. Its ambition is to be deeply serious and light-heartedly humorous.