Nick Gosman

Published: Feb 2024
Paperback: 318 pages
Price: £13.00
ISBN: 978-1-915972-34-7
Available on Amazon

The face of evil has many disguises, the thrilling sequel to AMAZONIA
by Nick Gosman

A primal terror unleashed upon the world.

A malevolent syndicate hiding within the corridors of power.

As Humanity takes the first steps towards its place among the stars, can Brigitte Fassbender and crack Special Forces Marine Matthew Towers subvert plans set in motion by the Master of a diabolical conspiracy to exploit Earth’s resources for the benefit of a tiny elite?

Presidium is a story of universal love and its power to confront evil in all of its forms.

A born adventurer, Nick Gosman started rock climbing as a teenager finding excitement and solace in wild places.
Having travelled the world using most forms of transport, some practical, some ridiculous, he is always on the lookout for a good story.
A tale well told can be an inspiration for us all.