Colour of my Heart
Kavita Comar

C_o_M_H_AW_cover "LOVE doesn't warn you when it hits. It's like a drug. You're on an awesome high; but when you try to wean yourself off, knowing that in the long run you'll be better off without it, you get withdrawal symptoms. So you go back for more, hoping it'll make you feel the same way it did when you first experienced it. Christian was my drug; he was my addiction."

Anushka Lamba, a strong minded British-Indian woman wants to shape her destiny as director of her own life. Except, she constantly battles with her inner-self - and her loving but traditional Hindu parents, who believe she is too "westernised" and not "Indian" enough. When Anu arrives at university, half way across the country, to study a degree that's far from her parent's choice - and their wavering eye - she's exposed to freedom and independence in abundance. She embarks on a secret relationship with fellow student Chris, whom she desperately wants to introduce and welcome into her family life.

Published:1st Jan 2015
Paperback:288 pages

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Her dilemmas and decisions take her on a roller-coaster ride - a tangled web of culture, identity, betrayal, confusion and heartache - in ways she could never have imagined. Is Anu strong enough to face the obstacles that stand in her way or will she give up midway and live a lesser life, leaving things to the mercy of destiny? Colour of my Heart takes us on a warm-hearted and emotional journey from Anu's present deep into her past, as she strives to assert her own happiness and discover her own identity - without losing touch with her proud Indian roots and her parent's aspirations.