Grimaldi’s Jolly Journey
Philip Alexander Sugg

Published: Sept 2020
Price: £20.00
Hardback 64 pages
Illustrations: Full colour
ISBN: 9-781934-425234

Available from YouCaxton

£20.00 (+ £3 postage)
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The fun-loving Prince Regent, now George IV, is bored!
Can Joseph Grimaldi, Britain’s funniest clown, rise to the challenge to make him laugh? And can Henry, the Marquess of Worcester, known to be the speediest of amateur coach drivers, get him from London to Brighton in record time, despite the perils of highwaymen, ghosts, and other misfortunes along the way?

Philip Alexander Sugg is an artist and historian now living in Rottingdean, Brighton.
He spends much of his time creating miniature puppet theatres.

Reader Reviews...

Amanda Rosenstein Davidson

‘This hilarious story is made even funnier by Philip’s quirky and lively drawings.
A must for all adults who retain a child-like enthusiasm for the bizarre!’