Category Archives: artbooks

A collection of drawings and paintings produced over five years
Sam Branton – Four Seasons

Published: March 2023
Hardback: 140 pages
Size: 270 x 270 mm
Price: £25.00
ISBN: 9781914424939
Available in UK direct from YouCaxton £25.00 (+ £2.50 postage)
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Four Seasons by Sam Branton Four Seasons is an updated edition of my earlier book, Three Seasons - a collection of drawings and paintings produced over the last five years based on the same underlying theme, presenting animals in improbable pairings or settings which frequently result in a visually humerous or surreal outcome. Season one, Deluge, is a collection of tranquil monochrome drawings using red pencil. Most of these are drawn to a small scale and they are printed in the book at actual size. The drawings are set in neo-classical landscapes and they never quite tell the entire story, but should instead be considered as a frame or still image from a bigger story to be imagined or created by the viewer. Season two, Holy Ground, is a collection of small oil paintings, building on the theme of animals in neo-classical landscapes and partial story telling but now introducing an extra element of mystery in some of the paintings by only showing a fragment of an entire painting. This was influenced by seeing remnants of images found in ancient remains in Greece and Italy which create a puzzle for historians to reimagine the complete original picture and the story being depicted. Season three, Luciferase, builds on the Deluge theme, but now uses black pencil drawings to present the animals in a night-time setting using curious natural light sources to provide illumination. The monochrome images and lighting are sometimes used to create the illusion that the drawings represents a sculpture rather than living animals. Sesason four, Holy Ground Revisited, a continuation of Holy Ground but includes some experiments with water and movement along with the signature menagerie of monkeys and other exotic animals. The endpapers in this book are taken from my triptych, Roses Within. Sam Branton

Fleet Street Exposures
Stephen Markeson

Stephen Markeson is, undoubtedly, one of the legendary photojournalists of the golden era of Fleet Street and his lens a witness to the making of history.

Ron Morgans

Picture editor Daily Express,
Today, Daily Mirror

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By Stephen Markeson

Publication Date: 15th Sept 2021
Hardback: 168 pages with 80 Photographs
ISBN: 978-1-914424-16-8

The career of a Fleet Street photographer can be made or stalled in an instant…the millisecond it takes for the camera shutter to capture an iconic image that speaks a thousand words or just yet another frame destined to be discarded on the darkroom floor.

Stephen allows the photographs to speak for themselves but brilliantly lets us in on some of the circumstances, opportunities and fortune that framed the story behind the story.

Charles Wilson
Editor of The Times 1985-1990

Stephen Markeson is, undoubtedly, one of the legendary photojournalists of the golden era of Fleet Street and his lens a witness to the making of history.

Ron Morgans
Picture editor Daily Express 1967-73,
Today 1985-93, Daily Mirror 1993-2000.

A series of still life photographs using a technique known as Painting With Light.
Paul Knight

Paul Knight

My first passion as a teenager was photographing the parks of central London at dusk when most people had left for the day.
I then discovered the Lake District through a friend and together we toured the Lakes with our 5x4 and medium format cameras; this quickly became the course I would follow.
After living in Windermere over a period of two years I found my new direction in the Ancient sites of this country, and Egypt as well as producing pictures for album and book covers. However, when I was asked to submit some images to illustrate an album of Schumann’s Dichterliebe, I read the poems from Lyrisches Intermezzo and I realised that landscapes were not going to represent how I felt about the piece.
Published:December 2020
Hardback:110 pages
Size:265 x 265 mm

£25.00 (+ £3.50 postage)
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I decided to move away from landscape photography and instead create a collection that captured the essence of nature and the spirit of mystery. This requires control of every element within the image, creating new dynamics and relationships of the usually familiar.
This series of still life photographs use a technique known as Painting With Light.
It involves long camera exposures and a moving light source to create a soft painterly quality which is reminiscent of the paintings from the Dutch Golden Age of Art and can be seen in still life studies, landscapes and portraiture of that period.
As someone who ordinarily, never purchases photography books, the cover image drew me in. It is a captivating collection of art work, be it in the form of photographs. It is hard to believe, such is the skill of the photographer, that these are in fact, photographs. It is a truly beautiful book. Noticing something new each time you visit it, it is a book you could come back to time and time again, and never tire of.

An ideal purchase for any keen photographer, or gift for any lover of art.

Julie Taylor

Swimming Against The Tide
Alan Kestner

This book was produced by YouCaxton for the exhibition of paintings and drawings by Alan Kestner at the Poolhaus Gallery in Hamburg

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Swimming Against The Tide

This book was produced for an exhibition by Alan Kestner
at the Poolhaus Gallery in Hamburg

Publication Date: 15th November 2021
Hardback: 86 pages
ISBN: 978-1-914424-29-1

I am intrigued by the confused and fluid nature of memories and often present these as a complex juxtaposition of conflicting vignettes. They need to be read like the chapters of a story, but unlike a book, there is no particular order. The viewer must decide the sequence which in turn results in a complex, interactive experience.

The drawings, either complete or sometimes just a detail, become the basis for my paintings. I tend to resist contemporary movements, preferring instead to explore my own thoughts about what is happening in the world around me. And for this reason have always: swum against the tide.


A collection of drawings and paintings produced over five years
Sam Branton – Three Seasons

Three Seasons by Sam Branton
Three Seasons is a collection of drawings and paintings produced over the last five years based on the same underlying theme but divided into three distinct styles.
The underlying theme is a presentation of animals in unlikely settings or improbable pairings which results in a sometimes surreal and sometimes humerous impression on the viewer. Some of the images include references to animals in classical paintings but an essential feature of my work is to present animals in a playful rather than hostile setting.
The first season, Deluge, is a collection of tranquil monochrome drawings using red pencil. Most of these are drawn to a small scale and they are printed in the book at actual size. The drawings are set in neo-classical landscapes and they never quite tell the entire story, but should instead be considered as a frame or still image from a bigger story to be imagined or created by the viewer.
Published:Jan 2021
Hardback:140 pages
Size:265 x 265 mm

£30.00 (+ £3.50 postage)
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Season two, Holy Ground, is a collection of small oil paintings, building on the theme of animals in neo-classical landscapes and partial story telling but now introducing an extra element of mystery in some of the paintings by only showing a fragment of an entire painting. This was influenced by seeing remnants of images found in ancient remains in Greece and Italy which create a puzzle for historians to reimagine the complete original picture and the story being depicted.
Season three, Luciferase, builds on the Deluge theme, but now uses black pencil drawings to present the animals in a night-time setting using curious natural light sources to provide illumination. The monochrome images and lighting are sometimes used to create the illusion that the drawings represents a sculpture rather than living animals.
The endpapers in this book are taken from the triptych, Roses Within.

Alternative Film Posters A-Z
Jeremy Arblaster

Alternative Film Posters


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Compiled by Jeremy Arblaster

Edited by Blaise Radley

Publication Date: 15th Feb 2021
Hardback: 150 Full Colour pages
ISBN: 978-1-913425-81-4

150 pages of Alternative Film Posters,

arranged alphabetically in a chic, A4 coffee-table style book.

Featuring artwork from more than fifty artists from across the world,

along with contributions from several young up-and-coming film critics.

A great gift for cinema lovers - by cinema lovers.

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A photographic document showing the conditions in the Moria refugee camp in Greece
Mark Slater

Refugees of Moria
Mark Slater

In September 2020, a fire ripped through the Moria refugee camp.
Twelve Thousand people had no choice but to sleep on the side of the roads around what was left of the camp.
This book documents the conditions of the people who lived in this overcrowded, unhygienic and inhumane European refugee camp in the 21st century.
Europe has not seen scenes like this since the end of WW2 and the war in the Balkans during the 1980s.
The refugees need our collective support and humanity.
Published:December 2020
Hardback:102 pages
Size:229 x 178 mm

£20.00 (+ £3.50 postage)
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Grimaldi’s Jolly Journey
Philip Alexander Sugg

Published: Sept 2020
Price: £20.00
Hardback 64 pages
Illustrations: Full colour
ISBN: 9-781934-425234

Available from YouCaxton

£20.00 (+ £3 postage)
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The fun-loving Prince Regent, now George IV, is bored!
Can Joseph Grimaldi, Britain’s funniest clown, rise to the challenge to make him laugh? And can Henry, the Marquess of Worcester, known to be the speediest of amateur coach drivers, get him from London to Brighton in record time, despite the perils of highwaymen, ghosts, and other misfortunes along the way?

Philip Alexander Sugg is an artist and historian now living in Rottingdean, Brighton.
He spends much of his time creating miniature puppet theatres.

Reader Reviews...

Amanda Rosenstein Davidson

‘This hilarious story is made even funnier by Philip’s quirky and lively drawings.
A must for all adults who retain a child-like enthusiasm for the bizarre!’