From its infancy in the 1980s to its vibrancy today
Asia’s Financial Industry

9781911175414 The development of the financial industry in Asia has been a history of boom and bust. Over the past four decades, it has transformed from its infancy during the 1980s to the vibrancy today. Looking back at his career from a new joiner in the industry to regional executive with several custodian banks during this period, the author has captured in this book many interesting stories, episodes and events in this fascinating process of development, from the perspective of a custodian, to add some colourful dimensions to the financial history of the region.
Published:July 2016
Paperback:246 pages

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Based in Hong Kong, Lawrence Au is a seasoned professional who has been at the forefront of Asia’s financial industry for more than thirty years. A pioneer and thought leader in the securities services area, he has been instrumental in building several custodian banks' businesses in the region. Under his stewardship as the Asia Pacific head with BNP Paribas Securities Services and Northern Trust, he took the custody franchise of the two banks off the ground to become a leading service provider in the market. Lawrence frequently speaks at conferences and features in industry publications, and was named Custodian Leader of the Year 2012 by Asia Asset Management and Custodian Banker of the Year 2013 by The Asset. Lawrence was presented Lifetime Achievement Award by Asia Asset Management in 2016.
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