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Mend the Broken Pieces
Maggie Walters

Mend the Broken PIECES COVER Lizzie Strahan is single and a workaholic, a way of life self-imposed after the untimely death of her young son. Forced by ill-health to change her career as a successful barrister, she retreats to the country and embarks on a project to establish a bed and breakfast business in a small village. Out of the blue, she is joined by her good friend Mary whose husband has jilted her for a younger woman and, together, the two women start life afresh. But Lizzie’s old contacts are not so easily shaken off. One evening, a young woman, Josetta Delaney, is found murdered and Lizzie knows her. She feels compelled to find out how Josetta met her demise and then she discovers that two private-investigator friends, Robert Isaacs (‘Zak’) and Charlie Rattigan (‘Ratty’) are trying to unravel another possibly-related death. A web of deceit unfolds. It will take Lizzie and Mary on a journey of discovery that neither woman could possibly have imagined.
Paperback:284 pages

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Colour of my Heart
Kavita Comar

C_o_M_H_AW_cover "LOVE doesn't warn you when it hits. It's like a drug. You're on an awesome high; but when you try to wean yourself off, knowing that in the long run you'll be better off without it, you get withdrawal symptoms. So you go back for more, hoping it'll make you feel the same way it did when you first experienced it. Christian was my drug; he was my addiction."

Anushka Lamba, a strong minded British-Indian woman wants to shape her destiny as director of her own life. Except, she constantly battles with her inner-self - and her loving but traditional Hindu parents, who believe she is too "westernised" and not "Indian" enough. When Anu arrives at university, half way across the country, to study a degree that's far from her parent's choice - and their wavering eye - she's exposed to freedom and independence in abundance. She embarks on a secret relationship with fellow student Chris, whom she desperately wants to introduce and welcome into her family life.

Published:1st Jan 2015
Paperback:288 pages

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Her dilemmas and decisions take her on a roller-coaster ride - a tangled web of culture, identity, betrayal, confusion and heartache - in ways she could never have imagined. Is Anu strong enough to face the obstacles that stand in her way or will she give up midway and live a lesser life, leaving things to the mercy of destiny? Colour of my Heart takes us on a warm-hearted and emotional journey from Anu's present deep into her past, as she strives to assert her own happiness and discover her own identity - without losing touch with her proud Indian roots and her parent's aspirations.

Sour Dough and Sweet Ladies
Harry Berridge

9781909644830 Red hot and highly descriptive are words best used to delineate the sexual content in this intriguing story. The sex together with controversial, easy, money-making techniques, all based on true events, are brilliantly described in the adventures of Harry, an ordinary young man who discovers hidden talents within him after he reluctantly leaves London to work in the north-west of England. Harry discovers that he is not the quiet man whom everyone thought he was. He finds himself turning into an inexorable, money-making, sexual predator, yearning to possess all females that fall for his newly found charms. In business - although with scant experience - he becomes a supremely confident entrepreneur, and this in turn enables him to break in to the shady, corrupt side of industry.
Published:1st Nov 2015
Paperback:369 pages

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Money pours in as he sets up deal after deal and his decadent lifestyle blooms. His confidence with the fairer sex blossoms as lover after lover comes and goes - and with them so does his hard-earned money. After setting up a deal with a top, North Sea Oil executive, he becomes a major sub-contractor with many thousands of pounds weekly pouring in to his bank account. And now the drink and women that once were his pleasure become his downfall and, all too soon, contract after contract fails. With most of his money spent, age and illness become a major problem. It is payback time, and his once high life falls around his feet. He is close to destitution. The women have gone and so has the money. He is alone and broke.'
Reader Reviews...

The Coalbrookdale Doctors
Dr. Richard Moore

cover They were years of unprecedented progress in industry, society, democracy, education and science, but of war in Europe, America and at sea. The last decades of the Eighteenth and first of the Nineteenth Centuries saw changes that ushered in the modern world.
Nowhere more so than in the Shropshire village of Coalbrookdale where, perhaps more than anywhere else at this date, technical innovation led to the use of iron in bridges, buildings, sea-going ships, steam engines and railways.
But also in the world of medicine, Coalbrookdale was subject to radical change as scientific discoveries brought new attitudes and a better understanding of life and disease.
Throughout this momentous period, three generations of one family ran a medical practice in Coalbrookdale.

Published:1st Feb 2015
Paperback:198 pages
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Dr Richard Moore’s exhaustive research has uncovered how this medical family skilfully adopted advances in knowledge, developed their education and played their part in creating the profession of General Practitioner as we know it today. This original account demonstrates how, in the microcosm of Coalbrookdale, the experiences of one family mirror the democratic, social, industrial and scientific changes of the early Industrial Revolution.

Dr. Richard Moore is a fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners and a sometime examiner for the MRCGP, its membership examination. He was in practice in Shrewsbury for more than thirty years. His first book was Leeches to Lasers (Morrigan 2002), the story of seven (now nine) generations of his family as doctors. In 2009 he was awarded a PhD at the University of Birmingham for a thesis titled Competitors for Custom, on the development of medical practice in 18th and 19th century Shropshire. His last book was titled Shropshire Doctors and Quacks (Amberley 2011).


Michael Darby, descendant of Abraham Darby
It gives me much pleasure to commend this book that describes so well the transition in Coalbrookdale from the work of the apothecary-surgeons to doctors “… at the dawn of the modern medical profession”

Jonathan Reinharz, Professor of Medicine, University of Birmingham, in Midland History
There is enough of interest in these pages to satisfy anyone desiring a glimpse into the history of general practice over a century which saw significant changes introduced to both medical training and therapies. It is also recommended to regional historians, especially anyone with an interest in Shropshire and, of course, the Ironbridge Gorge.

YouCaxton Charity Ball

YouCaxton Charity Ball

For the benefit of
the Severn Hospice

With the superb
Footloose Dance Orchestra
Everyone welcome.
If you’re not a dancer, you will not have to sit idly on the sidelines listening to the, admittdly gorgeous, music. Everyone can get up and join in, in whatever manner they choose, during the Latin dances when there is no circulation around the room.
The venue could hardly be better. The Topaz Ballroom is the first proper ballroom to be opened in Shrewsbury since Isadora Duncan tripped the light fantastic – and that was a long time ago.

One Ticket (£16)

Two Tickets (£24)

or send a cheque to
YouCaxton Publications,
23 High Street,
Bishop’s Castle,

Footloose Dance Orchestra
Leader / Musical Director Andy Bate
Orchestra Manager Jan Mentha
Contact details


Journey From the summit
by Lorraine Ereira

jfts Journey From the Summit
by Lorraine Ereira

Flossie has had enough of men! After two failed relationships, she decides that she just wants to party and have fun. So she embarks on a summer of singledom, vowing to herself that she has finally closed the door on heartbreak hotel!!
Then on a night out with friends she meets Saul. The connection she feels between them is one she cannot ignore. Eventually she has no choice but to give in to the compelling force of her feelings, and she falls head over heels in love.
But fate is cruel, letting her meet him, waiting until she is desperately in love, then snatching him away.
Her love for Saul takes her on the most difficult journey she will ever make, sending her to places she never dreamed she would go, and she discovers that the road to true happiness is long, hard and dangerous.
Journey From the Summit is a true and intense story of heartache, hope and the indestructible connection that real love brings.
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by Lorraine Ereira

Not Quite the Full Chapati
Kath Hirani

Kath Hirani Bookcover 1200 Janice Saheed is no stranger to racism. Her husband is one of the first Asians to settle in England after the War although Janice herself is white. However, on her first day at school, Janice's four-year-old daughter, Joanna, meets local-girl, Helen, and a lifelong friendship is forged that transcends prejudice. Twent years on and now a young woman, Joanna is still struggling with her mixed-race identity and having to cope with racism when, against all her advice, her friend Helen falls for Rahim Ismail, a handsome dentist - and it is Helen's fascination with Asian culture, a fascination caused in the first place by Joanna, that is to blame. In her fight against racism from the other side of the racial divide, Helen struggles to understand why she and Rahim cannot be together. Eventually she admits defeat and decides to leave Rahim - but then, her father becomes ill and Rahim fails to vanish from her life as intended.
Paperback:354 pages

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To complicate matters yet further, Joanna's father refuses to acknowledge his daughter's marriage and Helen's father steps in to fill the gap and do the right thing for his 'adopted' daughter. Not Quite the Full Chapati! is based on a true story, a story of friendship, love, happiness, racism and heartbreak. It speaks to all of us.

Not quite the full Chapati
Kath Hirani

Kath Hirani Bookcover 1200 Not quite the full Chapati
Janice Saheed is no stranger to racism. Her husband is one of the first Asians to settle in England after the War although Janice herself is white. However, on her first day at school, Janice’s four-year-old daughter, Joanna, meets local-girl, Helen, and a lifelong friendship is forged that transcends prejudice. Twenty years on and now a young woman, Joanna is still struggling with her mixed-race identity and having to cope with racism when, against all her advice, her friend Helen falls for Rahim Ismail, a handsome dentist – and it is Helen’s fascination with Asian culture, a fascination caused in the first place by Joanna, that is to blame. In her fight against racism from the other side of the racial divide, Helen struggles to understand why she and Rahim cannot be together. Eventually she admits defeat and decides to leave Rahim – but then, her father becomes ill and Rahim fails to vanish from her life as intended. And then, to complicate matters yet further, Joanna’s father refuses to acknowledge his daughter’s marriage and Helen’s father steps in to fill the gap and do the right thing for his ‘adopted’ daughter. Not Quite the Full Chapati! is based on a true story, a story of friendship, love, happiness, racism and heartbreak. It speaks to all of us.

Amazon review…
…Interesting story about life in a mixed race marriage. Parts will make you laugh out loud and five minutes later deal with some very sad times in this girl’s life.
‘Great Book – You will want to keep reading’

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