Detailed survey of the Shropshire Botanical Society.
Alex Lockton & Sarah Whild

frontcover The Shropshire Botanical Society is a not-for profit organization that is open to all botanists in the county and elsewhere, whatever their level of botanical skill. We hold field meetings, produce a bi-annual newsletter and hold indoor meetings with speakers. Our main remit is to provide a forum for recording the distribution of vascular plants, bryophytes and stoneworts within the vice-county, to provide botanical recording data for the conservation of plants and their habitats, and to provide training opportunities for botanists who wish to improve their identification or recording skills. All of our members and committee officers are volunteers and we always welcome new botanists. Many of our members also belong to the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, the national organization for all amateur and professional botanists.
Published:1st March 2015
Hardback:454 pages

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To find out more, visit – all of our field meetings and newsletters are on the Shropshire page of this site.