Rowan Williams poem on organ donation

The former archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has added his voice to a campaign for organ donation. In a 19-line poem”Host Organism”, described on the Guardian website,  Williams – now master of Magdalene College, Cambridge – takes an oblique line on transplants, imagining surgeons as gardeners and donors as “unnamed birds”. The poem is intended to assist National Transplant Week, running until 14 July.


Lives in Print

We are planning to launch a new Imprint called Lives in Print .

This will be a collection of Self-Published Biographies, Histories and Memoirs.

If you would like to know more about Lives in Print,

get in touch by email at


Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook 2014

This indispensable guide to the publishing industry is now available,  also a  Children’s Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook is due to be published in August. Orders before 31 July carry a 25% discount.


Visit the Yearbook site

Book clinic

Gloucester Green

We’re holding a ‘book clinic’ at Gloucester Green Market, Oxford, next Thursday, 9.00 am to 2.00 pm. If you have a publishing project which you would like to discuss, do call by our stand.

Self Publishing – Rugby

YouCaxton will be starting regular book clinics in Rugby during 2015. This will provide local writers with the opportunity to discuss their projects in person with one of our editorial staff.  We are particularly interested in hearing from writers of books with connections to Warwickshire.

Oxford Self Publishing Workshop

We are running a two-hour workshop to help writers to plan their self publishing project in the Plowman Room at Oxford Town Hall on 6th June, 5.30-7.30.

Sections will include:

*What are your objectives
*Planning the publishing process (activities, time and cost)
*Managing risk (what can possibly go wrong?)
*Managing expectations (the worst case scenario)
*Review (a few real case studies)

This will be an interactive workshop in which participants will be invited to think about their publishing project and share their experience.

The workshop will be chaired by the writer Bob Fowke and will be introduced by a brief talk about the history of self publishing.

Contact us at for further details

Publishing Support for Writers and Artists