Impact of natural factors on vegetation dynamics
Open University

9781911175353 Long-term monitoring of vegetation on Zalidovskie Luga meadow situated alongside the Ugra river in Kaluga Oblast, Russia, has been carried out from 1965 to 2012. Since 1997 the meadow has been part of the “Ugra” National Park, which was assigned the status of a UNESCO biosphere reserve in 2002. During the forty-eight years of monitoring, annual surveys on permanent plots were combined with surveys of haystack locations and adjacent control plots, with detailed observations of populations of particular plant species. A large amount of data has been collated allowing the impact of environmental factors to be assessed.
Published:Jan 2017
Paperback:204 pages

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Over the observation period, agricultural management altered more than once, ranging from single hay cut, hay cut followed by aftermath grazing, double hay cut, extensive grazing, and no management at all in recent years. The data illustrate the reaction of plant communities to these changes. The appendix contains data from 504 relevés recorded on twenty-two permanent observation plots over forty-eight years.

This book will be of interest of vegetation ecologists, conservationists and anyone involved in the management of European floodplain meadows.

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